StartUpImo: A gateway to Technological Achievements

Fascinating, captivating and what have you. 

Time waits for no one and success and greatness knows no limit or boundaries. 

It has always been a thing Based on Analogue life but this world of ours has generated into a gigantic place where things are done at our discretion irrespective of where we are or who will meet through technology.

Digitizing the world goes beyond the shores of our imagination and here is the chance we all have been waiting for #StartUpImo.

Never before has Imo State witnessed a disruption such as the Digital revolution taking place there.

Teams of skilled Software developers and programmers are springing up in the State: Smart young startup entrepreneurs.  

Now, interestingly, CodeSpace is heralding a new paradigm of creativity and innovation that accedes to disruptive change and technological advancement.

It’s a revolution of a kind where we empower graduate and undergraduate citizens and reshape their minds and way of thinking. They now think Job creation, they now think solution provision, they now think business opportunities and how to exploit them.

Join us as we stimulate world-class entrepreneurism in Imo State.

Join us as we STARTUP the unquenchable digital fire of Innovation and disruptive creativity in IMO STATE.

Be part of us as we declare Imo State a Digital State and open connection points in the tech-ecosystem for the vast wealth of digital economy.


Don't let this pass you by!!!

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