An undergraduate student of Computer Science, dynamic young man, mentally resourceful, intellectually equipped, futuristically visionary and traditionally equipped. He is a web developer, public commentator, a renowned writer and a unionist.

ICT is, and will continue to be, a catalyst in advancing and development. New information and communication technologies overcome the barriers of distance and time, and significantly improve the accessibility of information and knowledge. As a result, the sharing of information and knowledge quickly and effectively becomes feasible and acts as a key element in achieving development goals and mitigating the impact of unforeseen events.
ICT is a generic term referring to technologies that are used for collecting, storing, editing and passing on (communicating) information in various forms.' The above definition separates distinct fields of ICTs and at the same time links them together so as to operate as an entity. It is now a fact as evidenced by developments from other countries that ICT as a sector can contribute immensely to the national development. ICTs can impact positively on governance and other sectors of the economy. In turn ICT can effectively assist international economic integration, improve living standards, narrow the digital divide, and improve biodiversity utilization and management. 
The adoption of ICT requires a business environment encouraging open competition, trust and security, interoperability and standardization, and financial resources for ICT. This requires the implementation of sustainable measures to improve access to the Internet and telecommunications infrastructure and increase ICT literacy, as well as development of local Internet-based content. Most developing countries still depend on content developed and managed in the developed world and as a result substantial costs are incurred while trying to access the content. One of the causes that discourage access to digital information is culture and language differences. Efforts should be made to make ICTs available in local languages if they are to be demystified, adopted and utilized by locals, promotion programmes for goods and services; promoting Internet access to exchange and access digital content; establishing e-government; promoting e- education and on-line services; strengthening network security; building and developing e-society and ICT human resources. 
ICTs – used as an enabling tool that provides access to information and knowledge that is so important for the development of any sector.

ICTs provide an opportunity for nations to address the digital divide and reduce poverty while registering economic growth. Developed and some developing nations have seen the emergence of a vibrant ICT sector that significantly contributes towards national gross domestic product (GDP). 

A survey of firms carried out in 56 developing countries finds those that use ICT grow faster, invest more, and are more productive and profitable than those that do not. It translates into a high demand for investments and presents a tremendous opportunity for innovative public -private partnerships. 
ICT has a critical role to play in development efforts around the world. However, "there was a time when the benefits of applying ICT in fighting poverty and promoting economic growth were not widely understood. However, this view has given way to an understanding of ICT as an essential component of broader efforts to harness the free flow of information to increase voice, accountability, and economic development. 
ICT has changed the way people communicate, learn, and conduct business. It can help in meeting development challenges in many ways. 

ICT is, and will continue to be, a catalyst in advancing economic growth and poverty reduction. New information and communication technologies overcome the barriers of distance and time, and significantly improve the accessibility of information and knowledge. As a result, the sharing information and knowledge quickly and effectively becomes feasible and acts as a key element in achieving development goals. This has been one of the most recognized uses of the ICTs various communication technologies, ranging from broadcasting to telecommunications and to the Internet are playing effective roles in the acquisition and sharing of information. 
 Below are few areas were ICT has help in national development;

Information and communications technologies can be a key factor for achieving progress in economic and social development in rural communities. There is no doubt that the information and knowledge economy will generate opportunities across all sectors. It will be a new source for the creation of quality jobs, wealth generation and redistribution, rapid economic development and prosperity as well as a source for facilitating global competitiveness of the rural communities.
The emerging information and communications technologies underlying the information revolution are offering even rural communities a window of opportunity to leap-frog the subsistence agricultural economic stage and transform their economies into high value-added information economies that can compete with the advanced economies on the global market.
The basic argument is that it will be possible for: rural communities with predominately subsistence agriculture based economies to transform her economy and society into a predominately information and knowledge economy without first being fully industrialized.
Through capacity building, to acquire the necessary skills to manipulate the respective technology and master its practical applications e.g. a farmers’ knowing how to obtain market prices for their crops before transporting them to market, through telephony, fax or Internet.

The education sector is arguably one major area that ICTs are playing remarkable a role. These technologies help in facilitating learning (eLearning) and exchange of educational materials. ICTs are helping library professionals store and manage academic information. Libraries have migrated from the traditional Dewey cataloguing system to an on-line system, which is a web-based cataloguing and search application. The online learning system is another web-based application that is change the learning platform of education. This system compliments the traditional face-to face teaching and learning format. 

ICTs applications can be used to impart information directly to farmers and the farming community. There are expert systems designed to handle agricultural issues such as water utilization and management, pest control, harvest management and so forth

Before ICT can help in national development and poverty elevation, there is need to have a policy that governs ICTs and body to monitor and manage operations in the ICTs sector. Some of the components to form a firm foundation for ICTs include: assessment of ICT status in all sectors of the society (e-readiness), the challenges encountered in the establishment of an e-society, and above all the will and commitment by government to adopt ICTs as a panacea for national economic development. 

Developing countries are now aware of the benefits derived through adoption and use of ICTs but there are many serious challenges which must be addressed and chief among them are: 

Inadequate communications and power infrastructure 

Shortage of ICTs facilities and ICTs skills 

Inadequate institutional arrangements 

Limited financial resources 

Limited data management capacity 

Conclusively, a good way to think about ICT is to consider all the uses of digital technology that already exists to help individuals, businesses and organisations use information. ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. These information and Communication Technologies are used for various purposes, including sustainable development.
The application of ICT to sustainable development efforts is very crucial especially in the realms of renewable energy, water and environmental conservation and indeed agriculture. What makes the application of ICT to sustainable development so crucial is that as populations all over the world are rapidly growing resources are conversely depleting, hence the need for the global community to redouble effort toward evolving sturdy means of not only judiciously utilising resources to meet the present needs but also ensuring that the ability of future generations to meet their needs is not compromised either. The question now is how could we facilitate sustainable development using ICT?

Information may not be a panacea to hunger, poverty, diseases, illiteracy, etc. But the right information at the right time, however, can bring about sustainable development when used appropriately. The intrinsic values of ICT lie not in easing communication and information but rather in stimulating growth and development (Gladwin, et al 1995) through the facilitation of virile and smooth socioeconomic activities as well as serving as a catalyst to sustainable development efforts. In a country like Nigeria where a vast section of the population lives below the poverty line (UNDP, 2012), ICT offers a chance to empower these people through innovative social development and  participatory application of ICT in agriculture, education, tourism, marketing, health, faith or religion, home management, governance, and  transform them  into productive human capital.

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